At one point it appeared as if you would win the war and now it looks as if you will lose. If you are not ready to admit defeat or give up, then you need to fight. Many tears have likely fallen and if they were worth it then you need to find a way to win love back. It is a hard fight to win love back, however it can definitely be done. You should only continue to fight the battle if you are sure to win the war. Step back and look at the whole situation. Make sure the outcome will be best for you and the other party.
It may be best to cut your losses if it will not be a good situation. In any war a person has to better themselves if they wish to win. Look at the past and what has happened. What could you have done differently? Figure out what those things were. It is not likely that the one you love will go back to a situation that was lousy.
Change those things that are possible so that you will be who your love wants you to be. Be sure to ask for relationship advice you may be able to learn how to win love back. By asking for advice you will learn how to fight the war and win love back. You may also want to find out how to be a better friend and lover. Those are two important keys to having a better relationship.
Those two vital key points are the tools you will need to winning your battle of love.Because you will not want your efforts of winning back your love to go in vain,also because you want your relationship to grow stronger than ever,you can do your part by being a better person and making yourself worth the risk.Learn to fight for your love with out giving up quickly and you will win your love back for good.

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