It is a human behavior that is difficult to define since no two persons are the same or act and feel the same.Take for example different people sleep on their beds in different ways, some with their stomach on the bed others site-ways or on their backs.
Any way that an individual fines comfortable to position
him or her self will definitely regard that position as the best during lovemaking.
Looking at the average best position of must people during intercourse,you will come to notice however that the best positions for men and women are different.So take your time to find the best angles for the both of you, while using these positions.
The Best Position For Women To Climax
The easiest position for a woman to climax is the reverse missionary because being on top she can control the friction to her clitoris and/or G-spot.How ever myfriend Michael Web things other wise,he thinks most Women Prefer This One Thing Over Normal Intercourse. What is it? Click Here To Find Out how to go down on a woman and have her begging for more
The Best Position For Men To Orgasm
Practically every animal species utilizes the
rear-entry “doggy-style” position, so it is a
natural one for humans to enjoy, as well. Although
you won’t have face-to-face contact, there are many
benefits. It is great for guys because it gives
them full control.
Since the average time for a man to reach orgasm is between 1-3 minutes and a woman far much longer say 15 minutes, and the position most women prefare (reverse missionary)is very different as against the "doggy-style"position for men.
It is obvious here that because of this differences the best positions for making love will greatly differ with each couple.However there are other ways to go around this so both parties get what they want.
The best way to go around this is for the man to find the G-spot of his partner and start gently robbing on it with his finger until it is arouse this way the woman will also enjoy the "doggy-style"position.
Since this is one of the best positions for hitting her
G-spot ( in doggy position the penis will replace the finger's gently robbing of the spot )and allows you the man to fondle her breasts,stomach, clitoris, back, neck and other sensual spots. Even she can touch her clitoris in this position.Thus making lovemaking as magical as it was meant to be.
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Interesting article it make me smile I didn't know that there is also a position for making love.lol!